Reborn Becomes Movify

Reborn Becomes Movify

New identity, same vision

We are excited to announce that Reborn becomes Movify.

At the heart of this evolution is our desire for consistency and unity. The transition will ensure a clear commercial message that will ultimately benefit all our clients. This change represents a big step in our journey, echoing to our long-term common vision. Another milestone in our mission to keep improving our expertise in product strategy, design and development.

After our acquisition of Reborn in March 2023, we focused our approach on participative management as we firmly believe that working together and listening to all is the best way to go forward. We quickly found out that an overwhelming 80% of the Reborn team were in favour of adopting the name "Movify". It then became evident that embracing this change would create a stronger and more cohesive identity.

A rebranding that comes with benefits:

  • Clear Communication: A single, unified brand simplifies our commercial message. This clarity will ensure that our clients have a consistent and straightforward experience when engaging with us.
  • Unified and Stronger Team: The transition to Movify unites our team under one banner, fostering a stronger sense of belonging and cohesion. Together, we will continue to embody our values and work towards common goals.

While the name may change, our commitment to excellence and expertise remains. We are excited about this new chapter and the pursuit of our mission to deliver outstanding services, foster teamwork, and create an even more vibrant and successful future.

You can follow our journey on Linkedin and see our work on our website

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